..4th times the charm?

Mar 11. 2024

It is now march, last update was in september 2023. I am really keeping up the record of reworking my site every 6 months. Is that exciting or what. Anyway, website that looks a little more funky! This website is kind of just as broken as the old one, and relies a bit too much on javascript ^^'. But it's a bit more visually entertaining? With the rework now all the content is within iframes which has its pros and cons:

the pros are:

  1. pretty easy to update pages
  2. provides uninterrupted music listening experience when flipping through pages

and the cons are:

  1. tougher to customize the whole site for individual pages
  2. can't share links to a specific page in the main iframe (iframe you're reading from right now)

But with that, I realized, how much music would I really embed in a general playlist? I can see myself embedding lots of music but only with specific pages in mind, not a general site. The playlist as of right now is kind of a whiplash of moods. Which may be an accurate representation of my music taste but weird experience for a site.

In the previous update journal, I provided images of the old site. Should I do that again? Well here you go:

image of older neocities layout on desktop view
image of older neocities layout on desktop view

This new rework has more fun content on the right, and a total of (1....2...) two JS functions that display random content. Would be three but I'm missing some images to make the third one happen. Also how long do people usually listen to music players on other people's sites? I figure if they don't like the music they won't play the music player, but what do people do on average. Like I've gone on 3 blogs where I had the playlist looping in the background for over an hour when the playlist was 20 maybe 30 minutes.

I think it'd be a little, cool? If I properly got more into music more and could even include it in the music player, feels very cringy and stupid to say but my whole being and this site is cringe, it's ok.

What else.. During the reproduction of this site I've stumbled upon a few interesting things. Did you know there's a programming language called JSFuck which is valid Javascript?


If you're bored I recommend looking up Esoteric Languages.

Another thing that may be less interesting to most people maybe, is encountering deprecated code. I encountered that in a javascript function since I was referencing a stack overflow post from 10 years ago. JS is a language that changes often but I've not personally seen the change before, I found encountering that myself cool? And marquee, did you know marquee is deprecated???? Do the Neocity users know this I feel like this must be in the top 10 HTML tags on neocity.

What else... I haven't added on much graphics since last time. But there is that little header image at the top. Here it is again.

burgir decorative gif

This is my second (maybe third?) time making a GIF traditionally. Digital art makes animating easier but traditional art has a charm. One thing I must remember is opacity not translating in gifs. Since gif pixels can't be opaque I have to keep that in mind for future gifs to get the look I want.

I need to learn how to write entries interesting. Also, expand the topics I write about and actually update this thing. Like all 3 current journal entries are relating TO the creation of this neocities, but there are other topics I could write about I'm sure. Maybe start proofreading and editing this stuff, treat it like an academic paper. How long will the site stay with this version? shrug I don't know, considering my 'don't touch Neocities for 6 months and redesign the whole thing' track record maybe not long. Anyways, toodles.

greyscale dramatic art with big text saying 'LETS UPDATE OUR NEOCITIES TOGETHER'
< prev.